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Using Minecraft screenshots as your pictures was clever, but in the future if you want to take more screenshots press F1 (Windows) or F1 and Fn at the same time (Mac) to get rid of the crosshair in the middle of the screen.

The adventure was interesting, keep it up!

First of all, you even changed the colors and fonts of the website, which is awesome!

Some pictures may be so large that you have to scroll to view them.

However, the picture size is just right when viewed in full screen.

There is a bug that when the player is viewing the inventory, if they click the check again, they will be trapped in the inventory forever.
Maybe you will want to remove the footer of the inventory to avoid this problem.

I think the story is very interesting, it's like playing Minecraft in another way.

Dude this is so good ;;;w;;; and omg the comment section is super cute as well lol, but still your writing is *chefs kiss*

This is a nice game! I like the adventure that you gave the player.

It would have been cool if we could choose do something with what we have in our inventory. As of now, it's just there, and it doesn't feel like it has any purpose.

I would have loved to see something more you than another persons property for this. Seeing illustrations and worldbuilding that you created would have made this a more memorable game. Mechanics wise, it works well, the images all load and the links all work. The theme of amnesia and waking up in a strange world is interesting! I'd just wished it wasn't just screenshots and a telling of Minecraft. 

Its a nice start to the game, but I wish you had explored more ideas with it. As it stands this game is just the player exploring the Nether, which is a fine concept but it doesn't go anywhere. You could have used the Nether as a setting for a story or something, and include the exploration bits of the game. Also I feel like the game itself really lacks individuality since the visuals are only screenshots. Overall I'd say the game has a lot of potential if you want to keep working on it.  

This is a really cool game! I like the styling of everything, it's very immersive! I agree with Ellen that adding some sound effects would really help to engage the player. I also think it would be interesting to show the player's amnesia having a more profound effect on them. Does it frustrate them that they can't remember things? Do memories feel so close, yet out of reach? It might be a cool thing to build on!

The language you use to describe everything that is happening is really nice! I also enjoy the theming you've used to play on that minecraft location and feel. You could add some classic minecraft sounds to boost that if you wanted to. Especially at times when the player is supposed to take damage or dies. However, I do feel like it's a little too much minecraft and not enough of you. If that makes sense? Maybe if you illustrated the places in the nether and the characters in your own art style that would bring a little bit more of your personal touch to the game.  

Like Abe, the images did not load for me. But I think that this concept definitely has potential. As of right now, it seems like there aren't many decisions for the player to make (unless your plan is to make a linear story). Going forward I think for the player's experience consider adding more choices to increase the engagement of your players.

The writing is so evocative! Unfortunately, the images are not loading for me. Let's make sure the relative paths and the name files are all spelled correctly. Now, I've seen this setting before in games (going to hell, surviving the monsters), but that doesn't mean it has to be a cliche. Think of these questions: 

  • Is Hell, and the besties therein, a metaphor for something else? What is it? That will help you guide next steps
  • What are the actions and ideas you wish to reward in this game? Players who do what gain what?
  • There are many "hells", according to different traditions. Each presupposes a set of morals. Maybe do some research and see what hell implies in different religions?

Hope this helps! :)